Stay Alive (Lyric Video)

Stay Alive album cover

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My preferred medium of expression has always been music and lyrics. The time it takes from inception to fruition allows me to fully process how I feel, and if necessary, move towards closure. I’ve had the feeling that no matter how I finished this song, it wouldn’t feel complete. Closure is murky at best. The world is experiencing so many simultaneous unknowns right now. That much is obvious. Every person will have a unique perspective on that. Some companies will flourish to meet new demands, some will barely stay afloat, others will fail. Some people will shrug off this demon, others will need to fight for their lives, some will succumb to it. The song “Stay Alive” is simply my perspective. It’s my anger, my confusion, my fears, my hopes, my impatience, my anxiety and my powerlessness. I’ve never made a penny of profit from any of my music. My goal in creating has always been to share life’s experiences with others. It’s the same reason I perform live, listen to music, go to concerts, watch movies, play video games and visit people. If this helps anyone else cope with their current predicament, feel a little less isolated, nod their head or laugh at my singing, then mission accomplished. Thank you for listening. It truly means a lot that someone took the time to hear what I have to say. Stay safe, err on the side of caution. I’d rather look stupid grocery shopping in a hazmat suit for a few months than look real nice in my best suit, 6 feet deep. If you’re putting your own safety at risk to serve others right now, you’re a hero. Much love. ✌️


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